Balaton Bike Tours
The Balaton Bike Tour (BBT) project was created by three sportsmen who love outdoor adventures to no end. BBT's goal is to use innovative technology to encourage as many people as possible to spend their free time in nature, exercise and learn about the hidden beauties of the landscape.
Our company, operating in Veszprém, close to the Balaton highlands, has seventeen years of experience in organizing recreational sports activities. Our successful business, Sítanoda, has already helped thousands of people get close to snow sports. The expertise and professional attitude of our team guarantee experiences for all participants.
The Balaton Bike Tour reflects the same approach for all participants in the form of programs based on a new but rapidly spreading means of transportation, the e-bike.
Prices from
HUF 22000
Tour Operator Balaton Bike Tours
A challenge tour from lookout point to lookout point
On this tour, we sacrifice our muscles on the altar of the most beautiful Balaton panoramas. This is a truly challenging tour, with four breathtakingly beautiful elevations.
We start our tour from the BBT point located next to the Tihany boat station, immediately launching ourselves into the interior of the peninsula. A range of fantastic scents and colors is already available to us
Az Akasztódombi piachoz érkezünk fel és hamarosan el is hagyjuk az aszfaltot, következik a Belső-tó, a Levendulás és az Őrtorony-kilátó, amit gyalog érünk el, a kerékpárokat az Őslevendulásnál hagyva. Utóbbiról körbe tekintve máris értelmet kap a napunk.
Legurulva a félsziget nyugati oldalára csak pár méterre haladunk a Balatontól, ellibbenünk Sajkod romantikus strandja mellett és Balatonfüred irányába haladunk tovább. Ismét felfelé, de így is élvezettel tekerhetünk a Lóczy-barlang mellett a Jókai-kilátó közelében. A csúcsot itt ismét csak gyalog hódítjuk meg.
Szusszanás, panorámázgatás, majd erdei utakon gurulunk észak felé. Kisvártatva azonban ismét emelkedésbe kezdünk a gázvezeték mentén a Recsek-hegyre, amely a túránk csúcspontja. Ide végig föl tudunk tekerni, hogy a Noszlopy Gáspár-kilátóból tekinthessünk aztán körbe.
Egy meredekebb ereszkedés következik és máris azzal a tudattal tekerünk tovább az erdei utakon, hogy a következő megállónk a Király-kúti forrás, ahol a forrás vizével nyerünk új energiát. Szükségünk is lesz rá, bár a negyedik, Csákány-hegyi kilátó ígéri a legkönnyebb utat. A csopaki kilátás viszont ismét nem okoz majd csalódást.
On the way back, we no longer climb hills, so we roll easily between the cellars and wineries of Paloznak-Csopak. If it happens and the situation calls for it, we'll even pop into one for a light glass of wine.
Prices from
HUF 16000
Tour Operator Balaton Bike Tours
We invented this tour for you if you love hidden panoramic points!
Take advantage of the electric bike and reach the coolest peaks on the southern shore of Lake Balaton!
Starting from the Port of Balatonföldvár, after warming up on a short bike ride, we climb to the first panorama. Not many people know, but Balatonföldvár has a high bank, from which the Lake Balaton stretches out in front of us at a huge angle, very close.
We cross the main road and start our forest adventures on a two-track tourist road. On undulating terrain, we reach under the Kőröshegy valley bridge, from where we climb steeply towards Nezde on the concrete service road.
Even on the way up, it's worth looking back at the valley bridge, but you can really marvel when you get to the Nezdei sculpture park. In an unexpected place, you will find a rest area, a panorama and an open-air, historical-themed wooden sculpture park.
From the back, from Kötcse, we arrive at the castle of Fejérkő, next to Töreki, through dirt roads and fields. The castle is in ruins, but it was recently renovated and you can safely walk around it on a raised wooden structure. In the meantime, we can look at our route so far, as the castle offers a panoramic view of the valley bridge and Lake Balaton.
We head north again, heading towards Lake Balaton on the road. We approach the vineyards of Kőröshegy on a really challenging climb. We start our way back on one of the most atmospheric level roads in the area. A real Montis panoramic trail, where you can admire the lake and the Tihany peninsula in addition to a pleasant slope.
As we reach the public road, all that remains is to talk about the experiences, and we return to the center by bike.
At the end of the tour, we will be waiting at the cycling Port in Balatonföldvár, where you can enjoy the Balaton sunshine with refreshments on our terrace next to the beach.
Prices from
HUF 22000
Tour Operator Balaton Bike Tours
On the path of the soul to one of the largest Buddhist shrines in Europe
At the BB365 center in Keszthely, we get to know our bikes, tour guide and fellow hikers. In the shadow of the huge sycamore trees of the Helikon park, we reach the historic city center. We go to the Hévíz lake on a bicycle path between two important settlements of the former Festetics manor. We drive on a low-traffic public road, on the slopes of the Egregy mountain, and then continue on a shady, gravel road. The 18th-century Jewish cemetery in front of Karmacs, in the middle of nowhere, reminds us for the first time that we are indeed walking the path of the soul here.
Leaving Karmacs, we continue on the public road to Zalaszántó. From the center of the village, we go up a slight, continuous ascent, then leaving the main street and reaching the forest, another hearty ascent awaits us. It's the perfect place to release the emotions and stress that are buzzing in our souls as much as possible. Relieved of tension, the path leads to one of the largest Buddhist shrines in Europe, the Stupa of Peace, at the top of the hill, surrounded by huge trees. The area around the stupa is a place of silence and contemplation. It is worth walking around the building a few times, reading the interesting facts about Tibetan philosophy and the sanctuary that has a beneficial effect.
After the spiritual recharge, we roll back to the main road, so that after covering a few hundred meters, nature takes over the main role again. At the foot of Mount Tátika, we continue our journey in a quiet, beautiful forest, both in body and soul.
We come out of the forest at Várvölgy. After driving through this quiet little village, we head towards Vállus. This little jewel box sack village is the gateway to our new forest section. From here, we drive along a gravel and then asphalt forest road to Gyenesdiás, from where we take a low-traffic road and cycle path down to the Balatoni Bringaút, which takes us back to our starting point in Keszthely.
Release the stress accumulated during everyday life and soothe your soul at the Peace Stupa! Join us on the path of the soul, where we gradually move away from the noise of the city, so that both body and spirit can rest in the Buddhist sanctuary!
Balaton Riviera E-Bike Terrain Tour
Tour Operator: Balaton Bike Tours
3 hours
27 km
Prices from
HUF 14000
Tour Operator Balaton Bike Tours
Everything an ebike tour can offer: forest adventure, beautiful vantage points, gliding along a stream and a light artisanal syrup at the end.
As with all sports activities, here too we start with the warm-up, we travel on asphalt along the old Roman road. Passing through Csopak, we looked into the garden of the local watermill, many of them used to serve the locals, today some of them serve the tourists.
Crossing over to Balatonfüred, we start to climb, in the direction of Mount Tamás, which rises above the town. From there, the tour follows forest paths. The Jókai lookout point is not easy to reach, so we will walk part of the way. However, the view is not everyday, so it is worth taking a breather.
Leaving the lookout behind us, we wind along forest roads and approach our next elevation. The special feature of the Noszlopy Gáspár lookout is of course the panorama, we are surrounded by only forest all around.
We carefully cross road 73 and then reach the Király well, where we can refresh ourselves. One of the most beautiful rolls of the tour goes along the stream, in the direction of Lovas. Then, returning to Római út, we can enjoy our well-deserved craft syrup on the Homola Wine Terrace.
Prices from
HUF 14000
Tour Operator Balaton Bike Tours
Tour the known and hidden attractions of the Tihany Peninsula
We start our tour from the BBT point next to the Tihany boat station, towards the interior of the peninsula. A range of fantastic scents and colors is already available to us.
We arrive at the Akasztódombi market and soon leave the asphalt to approach the Belső lake with a roll. Here we are welcomed by the trinity of silence, tranquility and nature.
The view of the grape arbors still amazes us when we find ourselves under the Őtorony lookout. We reach the height on foot, leaving the bicycles at Ÿslevendulás. From here, it is a 15-minute easy hike to the lookout point. The effort is worth it, because a breathtaking 360-degree panorama of Lake Balaton and the Balaton highlands opens up before us. The view is beautiful, we almost feel like we are on an island, as if we are completely surrounded by water.
After enjoying the breathtaking panorama, we roll down to the western side of the peninsula and drive only a few meters from Lake Balaton on a forest road, we pass by the romantic beach of Sajkod and continue in the direction of Balatonfüred.
Then we stop for a short time at the Abbey Church, rebuilt on the foundations of the Árpád era. From there, we ascend on an asphalt bike path to the edge of Tihany in a Mediterranean atmosphere.
To conclude our tour, we will ride - although if we arrive during the summer tourist season, we will have to get off the bike at some places - to the unmissable sights of the peninsula, the Abbey and the Echo. Here, you can even have a little coffee or a cookie in the program, and then we slide back to the Ship Station on an exciting serpentine.