Bicycle Alaska Tour
7 days (Bike: 6 days)
420 mi (~70mi per day)
Our most challenging All-Alaskan Tour, the Bicycle Alaska Tour has six days that average 70 miles of bicycling. Our route has views of Mt. McKinley, visits Fairbanks, and is highlighted by a 300-mile bicycle ride down the spectacular Richardson Highway. The Richardson Highway runs from the center of the state to the coast, almost in a straight line. This gives you the opportunity to see the different climate zones, mountains, and river basins of the Alaskan interior and Southcentral Alaska. While taking us far from most of the 'tourist' areas, in our opinion it is the most scenic, low traffic, paved highway in the state. We return to the Anchorage area via a cruise across Prince William Sound.
All together, this tour gives you the best-detailed overview of Alaska possible in this amount of time.
Tour Information
Cost From
Guided US$ 3495
7 nights accommodation All meals Cannondale Bicycle
Alcoholic beverages
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