Winterfell Tours
An Epic Game of Thrones Tour Film Location
Just 40 minutes from Belfast - tour 20 key Game of Thrones tour filming location hotspots on the sprawling Old Castle Ward demesne including Winterfell Castle, Robb's Camp, Walder Frey's Twins, Brienne's Tree Branch, Winterfell Brothel, The Whispering Wood
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Tour Operator Winterfell Tours
Filming Locations Cycle Tour
The Westeros self-guided cycle trail leaves Winterfell Castle and follows the demesne shoreline around to Robb's Camp where Jamie Lannister was held captive in cage (aka Audleys Castle). The castle perched atop a hill enjoys fantastic sweeping views over Strangford lough - these waters are where Brienne brought Jamie Lannister ashore in a canoe & fittingly also where St. Patrick came ashore in a boat back in the 5th Century (the Vikings gave the lough the Norse name ‘Strangfyorthe’, meaning place of strong tidal currents or strong fjord).
Other key Game of Thrones filming locations included in the Westeros trail are:
Tree Branch where Brienne discovers 3 hanging bodies and confronts the Starkmen
Stable where Tyrion slaps Joffrey
Forest path where Tyrion 'Whistles & Walks'(One of his Funniest Moments)
Courtyard where Theon beheads Ser Rodrik
Pathway of King Roberts Arrival Procession
Castle Window that Bran Stark 'Falls' from
Field of Baelor Battle
Castle from Walder Freys 'The Twins' & Red Wedding
Shoreline path where Robb Stark & Talissa learn the Kingslayer has escaped
Tree that Robb Stark & Talissa get secretly married under
'Armory & Forge' where Arya Starks sword 'The Needle' was made
Cottage of Winterfell brothel