The Humber to The Wash
United Kingdom
4 days
267 km (~67km per day)
Some hills, Quiet roads
Are you looking for a challenge?
Make the most of the Lincolnshire Coast’s boundless skies and fascinating features by taking this blissfully relaxing cruise through one of England’s most welcoming, but perhaps lesser-known cycling counties.
Why not try our Humber to the Wash route. Ride over the 4 days and 3 nights. Starting in the vibrant city of Kingston Upon Hull, we cross the Humber Bridge which is a great way to start the journey. We then ride though the small villages where we can stop for a rest at your convenience, or we can arrange for the support vehicle to set up lunch break at a desinated place of your choice.
Tour Information
Elevation Gain
1042 m (~261m per day)
3 nights
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