The Lake Constance bike tour
Austria, Germany & Switzerland
7 days (Bike: 5 days)
275 km (~55km per day)
Germany, Austria and Switzerland
The Lake Constance is located at the intersection of Austria, Germany and Switzerland. You will discover this little paradise at the foot of the Swiss Alps. Bike routes wind along the Lake Constance, forests and little typical villages. A complete change of scenery that give you the impression to be far away in another timelife. Enjoy the city charm for a cooling dive of Constance, Meersburg, Lindau, Bregenz or Arbon. Stop at the beach, discover open-air opera right on the Lake Constance in Bregenz or savour an ice cream on the charming harbor of Lindau. From the shore or from thewater, the Lake Constance offers you its incredible beauty and is, quite rightly, one of the favorite German holiday places.
Tour Information
Cost From
Self-Guided Please Ask
Accommodation a touring bike adjusted to your size or a tandem equipped : front rack pack with an integrated file compartment, saddlebag, helmet (on demand), reflective vest, repairing toolkit with patches etc. saddlebag Ferry crossing between Wallhausen and √úberlingen with bikes.
baby seat, bike trailer or trailer bike
Shorter distance options
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