Quiberon peninsula and Belle Ile en Mer
8 days (Bike: 5 days)
185 km (~37km per day)
Cycle paths/trails, Quiet roads
In this semi itinerant tour you will discover some of the most beautiful landscapes of Brittany. You will cycle along forests, beaches and cliffs. Let be carried by the magic of celtic history.
This cycling tour in South Britanny will show you the beauty of the wild Atlantic Coast. You will discover the traditionnal village of Erdeven, the river of Etel but also St Cado Island. On your way, you will pass through the standing stones (menhirs) until you reach Carnac and its amazing "alignment of Carnac". Hop from the beautiful peninsula of Quiberon to Belle Ile en Mer island and enjoy the magic of the Atlantic ocean.
On this tour, you will ride on cyclable paths and small countryside roads. You will pass through a lot of small Breton villages.
Tour Information
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Self-Guided Please Ask
Bed & breakfast a touring bike adjusted to your size or a tandem equipped : front rack pack with an integrated file compartment, saddlebag, helmet (on demand), reflective vest, repairing toolkit with patches etc. saddlebag
baby seat, bike trailer or trailer bike
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