Pedalling the Peak District

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  Tour Operator  Eurocycle Adventures

  United Kingdom

 4 days (Bike: 4 days)

  175 km  (~44km per day)


 Cycle paths/trails, Hilly



The Peak District is a fantastic place to ride, full to the brim with fantastic cycle trails, walled lanes and dramatic scenery.

Renowned for its rolling hills, plateau’s, valleys and limestone gorges, to the eye, the peak district presents as an inescapable challenge on two pedal-powered wheels. However, the trails which cut through the hills make it accessible to the leisure cyclist without spoiling the scenery. It's an exceptional extended weekend on your bike exploring all that this region has to offer - breathtaking scenery, abundant wildlife and a tart/pudding or two!


  • Amazing traffic-free cycling on the Monsal, Tissington and High Peak trails
  • Beautiful scenery of the Peak District with its rolling hills, stone-lined lanes, and limestone rock faces
  • Soothe the soul at tranquil Carsington Water.
  • Abundance of sights and attractions in Buxton including caves, gardens, spas and the stunning Crescent and surrounding spa buildings
  • Charming town of Bakewell, home of the Bakewell Tart and Pudding

The ride has challenging sections in the hills, although every effort is made to use the numerous flat disused railway lines. The optional Day 1 and day 2 are the most challenging and these are both circular routes.

Tour Information



Cost From

Guided    Please Ask


  • 3 nights accommodation (single room basis)
  • 1 meal per day and snacks
  • Extra meal on day 3 (lunch at Parsley Hay)
  • Luggage transfers
  • Support Vehicle
  • Fully guided trip
  • All repair & first aid equipment


  • Water bottle,
  • dinner, extra food and refreshments,
  • spare inner tube for YOUR bike,
  • cycling equipment (bicycle, bike lock, compulsory bike helmet, cycle jacket etc).
  • Train tickets
  • Dinner each evening and extra meals and other purchases


  • Bicycle hire (extra charge)


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