Rocky Mountains Road Bike Tour
5 days (Bike: 5 days)
241 mi (~48mi per day)
Big climbs, On-road
Crisp Air
From the rusty brown of the semi-arid lowlands, to the green, gold, and purple of alpine wildflower meadows, our Colorado road bike tour provides you with a great opportunity to find out what “colorful Colorado” is all about.
In the smartly preserved Victorian town of Durango, cycling isn’t merely an activity… it’s a lifestyle. Cycling’s roots and colorful lineage here, in what’s known as Colorado’s wildflower capital date back more than a century. Genius.
Teddy Roosevelt’s vision, circa 1905, was to preserve “America’s Alps”, the San Juan Mountain Range within a 1.8-million acre (3000-square mile) National Forest. Our guides live for this: sharing some of the area’s unbelievably scenic routes, the unique terrain features. Big open runs through high meadows that roll like waves, exploding in shoulder-high wildflowers. For point and shoot types, the low-key signage at the trail head, “Watch for Traffic” means sharing space with mule deer, coyotes, fox, Wild Turkey, bobcat, not to mention some 200 type of songbirds and raptors.
Then prepare yourself for the piece de resistance: home-cooked, outrageously flavorful secret recipes, specifically drawn from the area. So savory, these dishes continue to surprise even our Durango returnees.
From Durango to Mesa Verde National Park, we get the opportunity to walk among well-preserved cliff dwelling inhabited by Ancestral Puebloans for over 700 years. Our adventure climbs over four challenging passes (each over 10,000 feet) into the beautiful mountain towns of Telluride, Ouray and Silverton.
We breathe the crisp mountain air, as picturesque roads lead us through a sea of Rocky Mountain peaks rising all around us. If the elevations and climbs have made you hesitate on joining this tour in the past, we recommend using our new ebike. This doubles your power throughout the tour and never compromising the scenery.
Tour Information
Durango, CO
Durango, CO
Cost From
Guided Please Ask
Elevation Gain
Group Info
Private Tours and Custom Tours
Casual Inns
All transportation, food preparation, meals (except where noted on itineraries), snacks, non-alcoholic beverages, group supplies and community gear (portable chairs, large awnings, coolers, utensils, etc.)
Backcountry permits, licenses, park fees, reservations, and accommodations (lodging)
Two professionally trained trip leaders, a mobile first aid and mechanic station, spare bikes, and a support vehicle(s).
Custom sublimated Limited Edition Jersey!
Airfare, lodging prior to trip start or bicycle rental
eBike Available Bike hire
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