Sun Valley, Sawtooth
5 days
262 mi (~52mi per day)
Lush forests, thundering rivers, sparkling lakes, jagged mountain peaks, secret hot springs and a beautiful resort town - the Sun Valley Cycling Tour has it all!
On this Idaho cycling vacation we depart Boise and bike the Ponderosa Pine Scenic Byway to Stanley, gateway to the mighty Salmon River. From there we cycle the Sawtooth Scenic Byway into Ketchum and the beautiful Sun Valley, where we'll stay 4 nights in the center of town so you can savor the experience of this wonderful mountain resort.
Tour Information
Boise, ID
Boise, ID
Cost From
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Single Supplement
5 Lunches 2 Group Dinners 5 Continental Breakfast Nights Lodging Van & Trailer Support on Route Unlimited Snacks, Drinks, Energy Bars, Energy Drinks & GU Daily Luggage Transport Experienced Ride Leaders A Riders Guide containing all pertinent Tour Details Mechanical Support & Replacement Parts Detailed Route Slips with Elevation Charts to guide you through each day Entry into All National Parks
2 Dinners Hot Breakfast Airfare Alcohol Gratuities for Tour Leaders
10% Discount For Returning Riders
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