Bike Tours Japan
BIKE TOURS JAPAN offers guided and supported self guided cycling trips in Hokkaido, Japan. Hokkaido is Japan’s last natural frontier, an island of national parks made up of pristine forests, mountains, steaming volcanoes, caldera lakes and thermal hot spri
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Tour Operator Bike Tours Japan
Shakotan Peninsula
On this spectacular trip you will see crystalline caldera lakes surrounded by volcanoes and the dramatic sea cliffs adorning the coast of Hokkaido. You will experience nature's raw power by seeing young mountains that have sprung up and steaming fumaroles bubbling and emitting hot gases. Combined with nights staying at hot spring hotels, exquisite Japanese food and exceptional service, this journey is sure to pique the senses. Ride through 3 national parks Walk to the base of a live volcano Hike, bike, raft or kayak options Learn about Hokkaido's historical past Visit Japan's first whiskey distillery Rejuvenate in outdoor hot springs Enjoy exquisite Japanese cuisine
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Tour Operator Bike Tours Japan
This tour offers a unique opportunity to ride two of Hokkaido's most beautiful areas. In the west of Hokkaido, you will see young mountains that have sprung up in the last fifty years, hot bubbling ponds, and fumaroles sending plumes of smoke rising to the sky. You will ride around caldera lakes formed thousands of years ago by huge volcanic eruptions. In Hokkaido's Central region you will marvel at rare mountain flowers and cycle through lavender and quilted flower fields and vineyards. Combined with nights staying at hot spring hotels and charming bed and breakfast inns, exquisite Japanese food, this journey is sure to pique the senses. Ride through 2 national parks Walk to the base of a live volcano Raft or kayak options Visit Japan's first whiskey distillery Rejuvenate in outdoor hot springs Enjoy exquisite Japanese cuisine
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Tour Operator Bike Tours Japan
Daisetsuzan, also referred to as 'The Playground of the Gods,' is a vast territory of smoking volcanic ranges, hot springs, clear lakes and untouched forests. This tour offers a unique opportunity to ride and hike in Japan's largest and oldest national park. Climb to the roof of Hokkaido and be mesmerized by volcanic plumes of smoke rising to the sky or marvel at the mountain flowers that can only be found in this region. You will cycle through Hokkaido's Central region, famous for its lavender, quilted flower fields and vineyards. Join us on an incredible journey to one of the most beautiful places in Japan. Tour the largest national park in Japan Climb a live volcano Rejuvenate in outdoor hot springs Ride quiet forest, rural and mountain roads Enjoy delicious Japanese cuisine