America Coast To Coast
43 days
2600 mi (~60mi per day)
Teen Adventure
Some hills, On-road
Enjoy the hospitality of the Deep South - Marvel at the wide-open spaces of western Texas - Cross the Rocky Mountains in New Mexico -Take a break to volunteer in Arizona - Celebrate your arrival in San Diego's warm waters
Spend 43 days biking across America — and the rest of your life talking about it. There is absolutely no better way to see America – its people, culture, and landscape – than to pedal across each mile of it, ocean to ocean. Although reaching the Pacific is your end goal, the true magic of this trip takes place along the way. You’ll feel the hospitality of the Deep South and take in the wide open spaces of western Texas. In New Mexico, the Rocky Mountains will challenge and inspire you. You’ll cross Arizona’s desert landscape and hear the call of Southern California’s warm waters and sandy beaches. You’ll cross a continent. And what’s the price for seeing America’s beauty and diversity in such intimate detail on this challenging bike trip for teens? Hard work. Together, like a family, your group will push limits both physically and mentally. You’ll tap resources you didn’t even know you had and learn what you’re made of. This trip will be one of the richest and most rewarding experiences of your life. It will change you forever.
Age Range: 15 - 18
Tour Information
Charleston, SC
San Diego, CA
Cost From
Guided Please Ask
All meal, accommodation, transportation and activity costs
Travel to/from start location Luggage transfer Sleeping bag and sleeping pad Bicycle and helmet
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