Medellin Training Camp

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  Tour Operator  Altavista Cycling Tours


 3 days 

Personalised to your group





Choose your own tour length, distance and elevation gain

Altitude, steep long climbs, rolling terrain, flat roads: all kinds of riding possibilities are available within minutes. It is no coincidence that many professional cyclist decide to train in the Medellín area.

Also, it is the perfect option to discover the city's renaissance, its buzzing vibe and culture..

Professional coaching available at request in order to optimise every session and to give you a solid performance platform.

Tour Information





Cost From

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Single Supplement

Available on request


  • Accommodation in bike-friendly hotels (3-star minimum) on a double occupancy basis.
  • Full support on a 4-to-1 customer/staff ratio plus motorised accompaniment (van/moto depending on the tour).
  • All car/van transfers required during the tour.
  • English/French/Spanish speaking guides.
  • Breakfasts.
  • On-the-bike food and hydration. Local products and recognised sport nutrition brands.
  • Bicycle setup and on-tour mechanical assistance.
  • Detailed GPX files sent in advance.


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