Molinello Pro Training Camp

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  Tour Operator  Il Molinello


 7 days (Bike: 6 days)


 Some hills, On-road



The "training camp" experience is crafted specifically for those who are looking for a fun and alternative way to improve their riding performances, their technique and their habits as athletes.

The tour is an idea that has the aim of discovering Tuscany on the bike, without leaving behind the sport side of the experience: evocative rides through Tuscan landscapes and rural towns, different rides every day in different areas of the Siena province - the best area in the region -, with the aim of sharing our culture, as well as carefully planned and differentiated exercises monitored by a professional sports doctor - who works for a professional team - who will provide exact data on power and heart rate to train perfectly. Food will not be left to chance either: our nutritionist will be with us for every meal, to describe what we are eating and explain the different functionalities of the body. And of course the food will be from traditional tuscan recipes, adapted to the needs of a cyclist. During the afternoons, you'll have the possibility to rest, but also to join the different activities provided by us, including - but not limited to - oil tastings, guided tours of Siena and the most beautiful towns of the area. To guarantee your wellbeing, there will be massage therapists and yoga courses available as well. However, the biggest discory will be the real tuscan family who will follow and take care of you for the week, and will most definitely make you laugh with its "toscanacci" dynamic.

Tour Information


Serre Rapolano

Cost From

Guided    3500

Single Supplement

€ 250


Shuttle from and to Florence airport Bike rental 6 nights accommodation in double room All breakfasts All lunches All dinners Nutritionist’s advice during all meals Sport Doctor Advice a & incremental test 2 yoga lesson 1 massage one bike guide van on the road with water and snacks shuttle for activities when indicated in the programme


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